More than just close to my office, it is very much closer at heart. Suvavou House is owned by the 10 mataqali of Suvavou village, who are the shareholders of the Nadonumai Holdings Limited.
Village-based commercial companies have a lot of potential. However, it also has its challenges where one should always ensure to have the right people that have the adequate business skills and experience in making executive decisions.
Vakavanua or undertaking business in a traditional village way is a risk that is always there but we should always know that some rose above this misconception in our vanua.
Like my equals, being a Board Member since 1998, I have to ensure that the shareholders’ interests are always accorded the highest priority.
For instance, in the last 5 years, we had established a Scholarship Fund to support students from the village that are pursuing university studies.
We have noted the success of this fund as more students graduated from tertiary institutions under this initiative. Surely being optimistic, they will be our capable replacements in future.
On Thursday this week, I inspected some of the projects that the Board has approved. This included the provision of a roof shelter which has been completed and the painting of the outer wall which is also progressing as planned.
Truth be told, I am very much honoured to serve my vanua and I acknowledge the trust that my vanua has bestowed upon me.

Post by Mr Sakiusa Tubuna